Attention | MBHT Office/Reception Closed | Covid-19

Due to the coronavirus, Covid-19 outbreak, we have taken the difficult decision that from today our operations will be reduced and carried out from home.

We have made the decision as the health and safety of our volunteers and staff is key.

What this means in practise is that reception will be unmanned, the MBHT office and part of the museum/exhibition are closed. Our staff are still contactable, but working from home.

The 60's photography exhibition, 'The Way We Were' by Morton Gillespie is sadly partially closed. Some is still available to view in the main foyer – when we are back to normal service the exhibition will be properly opened, extended and celebrated.

The cafe at the moment will remain open. Security will still be on site and our tenants all still have access to the building.

If you have any queries please get in touch via

As ever, be safe and best wishes,

The MBHT team